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Porn For The Blind!

There are more than 285 million people in the world who are blind or visually impaired, but not many porn websites care. Fortunately, Pornhub.com has just created a new category of porn called “described video” that adds special narration to already-existing porn movies. 

The female narrators fill in the details for visually impaired viewers, describing the setting, the actors, what positions they are in and even their outfits, everything. For instance, one video begins: “A white woman in a cheap-looking red power suit sits next to a tall, white, lanky, middle-aged man with brown hair, a white shirt, a gray suit and a red-striped tie.” 

So far, Pornhub.com offers 50 enhanced-audio videos made from the site’s top-viewed straight, female-friendly, gay and bi videos.

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