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Letter With Only a Draw Arrives To Destination!!

The post office in Iceland managed to get a letter to the correct recipient only with the help of a rudimentary map. 

First things first: A tourist of the capital of Iceland, Reykjavik, visited a farm in Budardalur, but when he returned home wanted to thank the friendliness of the family that had received, but did not have the address. And, following the popular saying that 'nothing ventured nothing gained ", sent a letter with a map made by hand and with the recipient's information was in a town called Budardalur, and it was an Icelandic couple or Danish without certainties, with three children and many sheep who lived on a small farm. Next to the map was also the information that the woman worked in a city supermarket. 

This was it:
The story was told by a Reddit user and the information was confirmed by a local newspaper of Iceland.

The case, says the DN, happened in March however, with the placement of the photo on Reddit, the efficiency of the Icelandic post office won a new glow.

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